Free weight loss courses for BANES residents

  • Free Adult healthy weight loss courses available for B&NES residents

HCRG Care Group’s Wellbeing Service is offering 12 weeks of free support for people living or working in Bath and North East Somerset who wish to achieve a healthy weight and create a healthy sustainable lifestyle.

X-PERT Weight

A 12-week group-based education course covering the most up-to-date scientific evidence and topics around carbohydrates, fat and protein awareness, dietary approaches and lifestyle factors of stress, sleep, and psychology of eating, based on the most update to date scientific evidence around weight loss.

Slimming World

12 weeks’ worth of vouchers for this well-known group -based weight loss course, with topics covering psychology of slimming, food, and exercise plans. Please note this course is self-funding after the 12 weeks.

Second Nature

Lifetime access to a self-management app with 12 weeks access to a registered nutritionist. Access to up-to-date scientific evidence of weight loss, recipe ideas, meal planners and ability to customise set up track progress and goals.  To find out more and to book your free place, please call 0300 247 0050 or email