Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Patient Participation Group (PPG)

The views and experiences of our patients is very important to us and enables us to shape and develop the services we provide. To help us do this, we’ve established a Patient Participation Group (PPG), comprising of patients, carers and practice staff, who meet regularly to discuss practice issues and patient experience to improve the service we offer.

The purpose of a PPG is to:

  • To facilitate good relations between the GP practice and patients by communicating patient experience, interests and concerns
  • Provide feedback to the practice on current procedures and concerns
  • To work collaboratively and positively with the practice to improve services and facilities for patients, and to act as a sounding board for practice staff on issues affecting patients
  • To build two-way communication and co-operation between the practice and patients, other individuals and organisations in health care and the wider community, to the benefit of all

Recently our PPG have launch the patient forum. This was launched to improve communications to improve communications between the surgery and our patients and their families.

If you want to get in touch with us, please drop a note into Hillcrest Surgery addressed to ‘Peasedown PPG’.

More information about the Patient Forum