Patient Participation Group

The views and experiences of our patients is very important to us and enables us to shape and develop the services we provide.

To help us do this, we’ve established a Patient Participation Group (PPG), comprising of patients, carers and practice staff, who meet regularly to discuss practice issues and patient experience to improve the service we offer.

The purpose of a PPG is to:

  • To facilitate good relations between the GP practice and patients by communicating patient experience, interests and concerns
  • Provide feedback to the practice on current procedures and concerns
  • To work collaboratively and positively with the practice to improve services and facilities for patients, and to act as a sounding board for practice staff on issues affecting patients
  • To build two-way communication and co-operation between the practice and patients, other individuals and organisations in health care and the wider community, to the benefit of all

Our PPG have launched the patient forum. This was launched to improve communications between the surgery and our patients and their families.

If you want to get in touch with us, please drop a note into Hillcrest Surgery addressed to ‘Peasedown PPG’.

Patient forum – Your Voice, Your Health!

Our Patient Participation Group would love to hear from you.

At Hillcrest Surgery, we value your input and believe that your voice matters when it comes to your health and the services we provide.

Our patient forum is your platform to be heard, engage, and make a positive impact on the care we offer. Join us in shaping a healthier community by participating in the patient forum.

What is the patient forum?

The patient forum is a vibrant community of patients, just like you, who share a common goal – to enhance the quality of healthcare services we provide. As a crucial link between you and our medical team, the patient forum serves as a valuable channel for communication, collaboration and influence.

What does the patient forum do?
  1. Voice your ideas: Your experiences, insights and suggestions matter. The patient forum creates an avenue for you to share your thoughts on how we can improve our services, facilities and patient experience.
  1. Co-create services: Ever wanted to see a specific health program, workshop, or support group at our surgery? The patient forum helps shape these offerings, ensuring they align with the community’s needs and preferences.
  1. Quality check: Your feedback is vital in helping us maintain the highest standards of care. The patient forum participates in reviewing our processes, policies and patient information to ensure they are patient-friendly and effective.
  1. Health education: Stay informed about the latest health trends, advancements, and preventative measures through our patient forum-led educational initiatives. Empower yourself and your community to lead healthier lives.
  1. Community building: Connect with fellow patients, share experiences, and foster a sense of belonging with our healthcare family. The patient forum organises events, discussions and activities that promote a stronger healthier community bond.
Why should you participate?
  1. Your voice matters: Your unique perspective can influence positive changes that benefit everyone who walks through our doors.
  1. Tailored care: By participating in the patient forum, you help shape services that resonate with your needs, ensuring a personalised and patient-centric approach.
  1. Empowerment: Become an advocate for your health and the health of your community. By participating, you take an active role in your well-being.
  1. Stay informed: Access to accurate health information and educational resources empowers you to make informed decisions for yourself and your loved ones.
  1. Making a difference: Every contribution counts. Your involvement in the patient forum directly impacts the quality of care we deliver and the overall health of our community.
How can you get involved?

Joining the patient forum is simple and rewarding:

  1. Provide feedback: Share your experiences through surveys and discussions. Your feedback drives our improvement efforts.
  1. Sign up for email group: To further improve our services, we’re setting up an email group to occasionally ask your views on subjects related to the surgery. This includes the products and services we deliver. We’d also love to share newsletters and valuable information with you via email. To be part of this, complete the online form Patient Forum Sign-up Sheet or pick up a paper form from reception.

Patient forum sign up form (PDF)

  1. Representing our community: We want our patient forum to truly represent our diverse community. We encourage people from all walks of life, including workers, young people, retirees, carers, parents, individuals with long-term health conditions, the fit and healthy and people from all ethnicities.

Get involved in shaping the future of healthcare by joining our patient forum. You can contribute from the comfort of your home through online discussions, forums, virtual meetings and surveys. Your feedback is crucial as it drives our continuous improvement.

Join our email group to share your thoughts on various topics, enhance our services and stay informed with newsletters and valuable information. Our PPG aims to represent our diverse community, so your voice matters.

Complete this online form patient forum sign up form (PDF) or pick up a paper form from reception to be part of this transformative journey. Together we can make a difference!

For those seeking further details about the patient forum or becoming a part of the Hillcrest Surgery PPG, we warmly invite you to connect with us. Feel free to send a note to Hillcrest Surgery, marked for the attention of ‘Hillcrest PPG’.

Your curiosity is valued and we’re here to provide you with more information.

Please send forms to or hand into reception.