Autism and Learning Disability are not the same. And everyone is different.
Our staff complete the mandatory Oliver McGowan training and Learning Disability training.
At Hillcrest Surgery we want to support all of our patients. If we can help you or your carer or family in a specific way please let us know.
For example;
- We can show you around when we are less busy
- We can arrange for you to wait in your car and call you when we are ready to see you
- We can arrange for you to come in when it is less busy for an appointment
- We can call you on the telephone rather than invite you to the surgery (if its appropriate)
- We can provide a map of our building (see below)

Click here to see what happens at the Doctors Surgery
Email us or call us with your specific requirements and we will do our best to help you.
Getting a Diagnosis of Autism or Learning Disability
It is likely that a nursey or educational setting would support you and your family with this initially.
Concerns about possible diagnosis’s for patients under 18 would usually be referred to the NHS Community Paediatric Service. Older patients would be referred to adult services.
Referrals of this nature do take lots of time. And currently with increased demand on the NHS we are seeing more delays.
Please speak to your educational setting, or arrange a GP appointment, if you think you need a referral.
If you already have a referral in place but have not heard anything, please give us a call and speak to the medical secretary. We do expect a delay with referrals, however, we can ask the service to see how long the wait may be. Which may be reassuring.
The Royal United Hospital (RUH) have a Learning Disability and Autism Support team who may be able to help you when you have a hospital appointment. Click here.
Visit the Autistica website to find out more about Autism